Not having enough time tapping for Maternal Mental Health Week

Join me for some tapping on not having enough time...

In my book Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day I share a step by step process on how to make tapping your habit. And it only takes 5 minutes each day. Out of 1440 you have per day!

‘Just did the tapping twice on having no time, and feel so calm now. I always feel like I don’t have enough time, but now after the tapping I feel like I don’t care about the to-do list – it’s my life and I can choose what I put on the to-do list anyway! Before the tapping I was totally in my ego with the to-do list swirling around in my head. My real self knows that I have a choice and tapping seems to bring me back to my real self.’ Zoe

To learn to use EFT on a daily basis to release your mum stress, download a free chapter from my book Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day: