Finding Inner Peace in Turbulent Times #Shorts

Use EFT to cultivate inner peace

To download a free EFT manual, go here:

Ways of using EFT
🌸By yourself to release negative feelings in the moment eg anger, stress, anxiety
🌸With a practitioner to release more complex problems such as trauma, limiting beliefs and core issues
🌸With your children eg to help them get to sleep, support them if they don’t want to go to school
🌸By your children eg to release upsetting feelings in the moment, release exam stress
🌸To identify and release unconscious blocks to succeeding in your goals

The technique involves tapping areas of the body with our fingertips to stimulate certain acupuncture points while the client is β€œtuned in” to the problem. According to Gary Craig, the founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques, the β€œcause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system. The tapping stimulates the problem area and helps the body’s energy system to function properly.”