National Stress Awareness Week, Daily EFT Tapping - health fears

National Stress Awareness Week, Daily EFT Tapping - health fears

In this covid period of time, health has been on everyone's mind. So many more people are stressed about getting ill, having long covid or dying. I've noticed myself become quite obsessed with every potential little throat tickle during days where I have been running in person trainings in case I have the dreaded lurgy! For some people who have health anxiety, this can become a real problem. The more we worry about our health, the less relaxed we become and the more stress we create in our bodies. When the body is stressed it goes into fight or flight and has less energy to devote to fighting off illness. So now, more than ever, releasing stress is essential and EFT is a great way to do that.

Tap along with me to release your stress today and every day this week during National Stress Awareness Week. Rate your level of stress on a scale from 0 (least) to 10 (most) before and after the tapping session. Repeat as often as you need to or have time for until your stress levels are 0.

By tapping along with me you agree to take responsibility for your own wellbeing. If you feel your stress levels have increased its most probably because you have been rushing around not focusing on your stress. During the tapping, you will have been focusing on the stress making it feel worse. This occasionally happens and you just repeat the tapping routine to reduce the stress.

If there is no difference, check out my troubleshooting page here:

if you would like to know more about it, download a free EFT manual here: