EFT Tapping for Menopause

Do you dread the next hot flush?
Are you exhausted from feeling tired but wired and not sleeping well?
Are you feeling anxious and stressed?

Menopause is not a disease. Its a transition or rite of passage from woman or mother to wise woman or crone. In our culture, we celebrate youthful beauty while dismissing the power creativity and wisdom of the wise woman. So its no wonder that women struggle with letting go of everything that society celebrates about them.

If you are approaching menopause, going through it or have come through the other side and still feeling bad, I invite you to watch this tapping video to start creating a new relationship with the wise woman you are becoming.

If you haven't done EFT before, watch this intro video: youtu.be/asrmn3GwGcc
And if you get stuck, watch this one: youtu.be/Nz5ilAi7IGY