Mums Tapathon - Hourly 5 Minute Tapping Session 12, 6pm

Join me for 5 minutes of tapping every hour today from 7am to 7pm followed by a live Q&A at 8:15pm UK time.

Once you have watched the tapping session take these quick actions:

1) If you enjoyed this tapping session, please like this video

2) Comment below how you got on and ask any questions if you need help improving your results

3) Share this video with other mums or mum groups you think would benefit

4) Do one tiny thing to reduce your Frazzles and become more Fabulous!
Schedule time tonight to have a relaxing bath. Add essential oils, bubble bath and listen to relaxing music or whatever soothes your soul.

5) Join me in an hour for the next session

6) Join me at 8:15pm UK time for a live Q&A

7) If you want to make tappnig your daily habit and receive a daily tapping video - check out the Frazzled to Fabulous 30 Day Challenge:

Happy tapping