Sand and Sea Holiday - EFT Tapping ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ–๐ŸŒž

Sand and Sea Holiday - EFT Tapping ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ–๐ŸŒž

One of my favourite things to do whilst on holiday is to walk on the beach with the sand between my toes. When I am back home I like to visualise that in order to raise my vibration. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ™

This video is a reminder for you of that wonderful sensation ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—

To download a free EFT manual, go here:

Whats in this video:
๐ŸŒธ Raising our vibration with a sand and sea visualisation
๐ŸŒธNext steps to feel even better

To download a free EFT manual, go here:

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also known as Tapping:

๐ŸŒธA simple, yet powerful tool to help you release negative beliefs and emotions
๐ŸŒธAn empowering DIY self-help technique
๐ŸŒธIt originates from the Traditional Chinese Medicine system and is like acupuncture without the use of needles. It involves tapping on the acupuncture points to release negative emotions
๐ŸŒธCan also be used with an EFT practitioner to support you in releasing the root causes of your challenges
๐ŸŒธIt is like talk therapy with a physical component
๐ŸŒธHas been shown to reduce cortisol levels

Ways of using EFT
๐ŸŒธBy yourself to release negative feelings in the moment eg anger, stress, anxiety
๐ŸŒธWith a practitioner to release more complex problems such as trauma, limiting beliefs and core issues
๐ŸŒธWith your children eg to help them get to sleep, support them if they donโ€™t want to go to school
๐ŸŒธBy your children eg to release upsetting feelings in the moment, release exam stress
๐ŸŒธTo identify and release unconscious blocks to succeeding in your goals

The technique involves tapping areas of the body with our fingertips to stimulate certain acupuncture points while the client is โ€œtuned inโ€ to the problem. According to Gary Craig, the founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques, the โ€œcause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the bodyโ€™s energy system. The tapping stimulates the problem area and helps the bodyโ€™s energy system to function properly.โ€

There are three main ways of using EFT;
๐ŸŒธHabit Tapping โ€“ tap every day for as little as five minutes to create a habit
๐ŸŒธFirst Aid Tapping โ€“ once EFT is your habit, use in the moment of a stressful situation
๐ŸŒธTherapeutic Tapping โ€“ tap with an EFT practitioner to get the the roots of any issue and create emotional freedom