Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day with Tamara Donn

Is your child's behaviour pressing your buttons causing you to lose it and then feel guilty?

Do you feel constantly exhausted after a bad night's sleep, a never-ending to-do list and coffee or sugar is what keeps you going?

Do you struggle with your children's sibling rivalry?

Come and learn how EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Tapping - powerful destress technique - can be used to release your own stress about your child's behaviour, use in your parenting and teach your children.

Here is how some of the parents I taught EFT to, have used it in their parenting:

“Tapped with my youngest this morning because she was a bit upset as her big sis wasn’t going into school today – I asked her what she was feeling and she said ‘jealous’ and ‘most times I want to go to school but sometimes I don’t’ so I tapped on that for her💛Her jealous feeling went from a 10 to a 3 first round and then down to ‘it’s gone and I can’t feel anything’ and she then said ‘I want to feel excited’ so we tapped on that just one round and she was ‘up and at em’ 💛💛💛”, Sophie Michel

“Just had such a wonderful tapping experience with my 15 year old son. He starts his year 10 end of year exams tomorrow. They are a really big deal to him. He’s worked hard for the last few weeks revising. He confided tonight that he is super stressed and anxious. He said he’d like to do some tapping. The intensity of his anxiety 9 out of 10. When we finished, it was at a 0. All his initial fears of failing and not having done enough revision were dispelled. I then tested him on 15 difficult questions and he nailed it! He said “the tapping has helped me focus and know I can do it”. “Can we tap every night this week please Mum”. So humbling! X”, Catherine EverettI

“On a train journey at the weekend my smallest (almost 2) scratched my other daughters face (aged 5) there was no retaliation, or complaining to me. Before I could say anything, she very calmly picked up her little sisters hand and started a setup statement. What really surprised me was that the statement consisted of “even though I’ve hurt my sister and might feel a bit bad about it, I’m still a great kid”. So I’m finding EFT isn’t only helping her deal with her own issues but to think about others feelings too. Very proud & absolutely fascinating to watch the effects of this therapy unfolding in many different wonderful ways.” Bronte Maria Rawlingson

Tamara Donn is the author of the award winning book Frazzled to Fabulous in 5 Minutes a Day and an EFT master trainer and practitioner. She has shared the power of EFT with parents, teachers, school counsellors, prison and police officers, psychotherapists, pharmacists, doctors and more.